Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ancient Oceans and Glass Tubes of Mars.

Planetary geologists in the United States have analyzed data that suggest Mars was once home to a huge ocean of water, covering nearly one-third of its surface. Their evidence, a ring of dry river deltas and valleys all at a similar elevation, adds weight to the idea that the red planet once supported an Earth-like water cycle.

Hints that an ocean once occupied the northern lowlands of ancient Mars first arose in the late 1980s. Scientists examining pictures of the surface claimed to recognize extensive shorelines and vast networks of river valleys and outflow channels feeding in the same direction. Other researchers used thermal physics to imply that such networks could only have been carved by a complete water cycle, fuelled by one or more huge bodies of water.

All told, the ocean would have covered 36% of Mars to an average depth of 1,805 feet. "Collectively, these results support the existing theories regarding extent and formation time of an ancient ocean on Mars and imply that surface conditions during that time probably allowed the occurrence of a global and active hydrosphere integrating valley networks, deltas and a vast ocean as main components of an Earth-like hydrological cycle," conclude the authors, at about the time that life was getting started in oceans on Earth.

Adding to the lost water mystery there have been found in the Mars pictures these "tubes" often referred as glass tubes because they are translucent or even transparent. There are miles and miles of them ... some mostly buried ... a few completely exposed as in these pics. The diameter of the ubiquitous tubes is tremendous ... 20-40 meters in general. That's about big enough to put two interstate highways through. Supposedly, they are exposed through the mechanism of geological weathering of the surface. This gives them the possible (and acceptable to the scientific establishment) geologic explanation.

I shall show conclusively that these tunnels are not geologic. This leaves us with the awesome conclusion that they have another origin of which there are only two possibilities ... they are organic ... or ... they are artificial.

In 1955, Ernest L. Norman psychically or clairvoyantly visited the planet Mars. His Martian guide, Nur El, described to Ernest the following:
"On Mars the cities are all underground and are connected together by huge oval metal tubes from three to five hundred feet in diameter. There are monorail cars ... which glide silently and very swiftly from one city to another. Because of the great distances between the cities, these tubes have been built only partially submerged."

These are, without a doubt, the most fascinating objects yet photographed on the surface of Mars. They look like long translucent tubes supported by rows of bright arches. A lot of people have seen these strange structures and have tried to speculate as to what they might be; some would say these are huge water ducts funneling water from one area to another, others are firm in thinking that these are some sort of natural geological anomaly only occurring on Mars.